How To Save My Marriage (with free printable download!)

What if the missing piece in how to save your marriage was something as easy as taking time to talk with someone? If I was looking for how to save my marriage, simply talking with someone sounds pretty easy to me!

I’m not talking about just a therapist, (though I will advocate for a sound biblical Christian counselor 100%, and I think everyone should see one!) But someone who knows you and your spouse more intimately than anyone ever will?

Someone who even on your best (and worst) days, knows you better than you know yourself.

What if the thing missing in your marriage wasn’t a thing, but a Person?

When we ask ourselves in the seasons of drought, “How can I save my marriage” seldom do we actually have faith in the power WE have in Christ to save our marriage through prayer. 

Prayer not only softens our heart towards our spouse, but it brings us to a place of humility where we can truly hear God’s heart not just for marriage as a whole, but for OUR marriage.

The bible says we must not be ignorant of the enemy’s schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11), but we are to be on guard. Marriage is one of the first things the enemy attacks because it was set apart to be a reflection of Christ to a world that desperately needs him.

The enemy knows that if he can attack a person with just one seed of doubt, one thought, one glimpse, then he can bring division into a marriage. If he can bring division into a marriage, he can bring division into a family. If he can bring division into the family, he can bring division into the church. If he brings division into a church, a community breaks down, and when a community begins to break down, then a nation crumbles…a nation that desperately NEEDS JESUS!

Couple holding each other in a field - Quote image - Prayer not only softens our heart towards our spouse, but it brings us to a place of humility where we can truly hear God's heart for our marriage. - How To Save My Marriage

In the day-to-day-life, we have so many things demanding our attention. We are distracted people who barely have time to look at our spouse, let alone take time to pray for them or our marriage. But, the truth is, we are responsible to pray for the covenant of our marriage! Even in times when we feel overwhelmed, unnoticed, and often ashamed as we walk through struggles when marriage is hard (because let’s face it, marriage is hard!) There will be seasons of great fruit, there will be seasons of great drought, and there will be seasons in the middle (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). But what do I do in the seasons where I don’t know how to save my marriage?

I encourage you to use the following prayer prompts as a starting point. In seasons when our marriage has felt like it was falling apart and I’ve wondered how to save my marriage, as well as in seasons of great unity and vision, these prayer prompts have helped us stay spiritually focused. More so, they’ve helped us stay on guard against the division that the enemy continually attacks us with as we pursue a marriage that is set apart from the world; a marriage that reflects Christ!

I trust these prayer prompts will give you a deep desire to begin or continue praying for your spouse again, or to truly intercede for your marriage (maybe for the first time). 

These 30 prayer prompts are quick, easy, printable, and a gentle reminder for you to keep praying, without distraction. Allow these to guide you towards intimate fellowship with God, and intercession for your spouse!

Our intention is that you will be able to focus on one each day of the month!


30 Prayer Prompts To Save Your Marriage

Click here to print these out!

For the Husband:

  1. For God to meet him where he’s at
  2. For a desire for a deeper relationship and time with God
  3. For Godly male role models to speak into his life
  4. For a hedge of protection around his heart and mind
  5. For God to place his wife on his mind
  6. For God to remind him of his love for his wife
  7. For protection against the temptations of the world
  8. For the realization of anything that is drawing him away from God and from his wife
  9. For the provision of daily and future needs
  10. For rest to combat the demands and stresses of life


For the Wife:

  1. For God to meet her where she’s at 
  2. For a heart fully committed to God and submissive to His will
  3. For Godly women role models to look up to and do life with 
  4. For a hedge of protection around her heart and mind 
  5. For peace in the midst of the struggle 
  6. For a strong support system 
  7. For protection from temptation 
  8. For strength to withstand anything that draws her away from God and her husband
  9. For strength to make changes and set boundaries as needed
  10. For rest to combat the demands and stresses of life


For You Both as a Couple 

  1. For patience as you wait in this season of struggle
  2. For grace as you make changes in your life to prioritize your future
  3. For better communication
  4. For a willingness to learn to put each other first
  5. For God to restore in abundance what the enemy has stolen
  6. For kindness as you deal with each other
  7. For strength to confess areas of sin
  8. For wisdom in decision-making
  9. For forgiveness and a heart to continue to offer forgiveness to each other
  10. For God to use your marriage as an instrument of restoration for His Glory


Click here to print our 30 Prayer Prompts To Save Your Marriage.


So friend, let me remind you today.

YOUR MARRIAGE, wherever it is today, is set apart for the Glory of something so much bigger than your pleasure or feelings here on this earth. 

Read that again.



Father, in Jesus name we come before You and ask You to be present in our marriage. We lay aside the lies we have believed about each other, the hurts that we’ve allowed to manifest and held higher than the call and purpose You have for our marriage. Your word says that love covers all wrongs (Psalm 10:12) so, Father, if there is anything I am holding against my spouse, or myself, I ask that You would remind me of the endless forgiveness that You died to give me and help me extend that to my spouse. I ask, God, that You would soften and strengthen our marriage and restore it to a safe place, where we may find rest together in You. As we lean not on our own understanding, we concentrate our marriage to You, as an avenue to lead others into the lifegiving presence of the one True Love. Thank You, Father, that Your mercies are new every morning, and that You can rebuild in an instant, what the enemy took years to devour. Thank You that I will love my spouse selflessly, all the days of my life, and in making this commitment before You, I not only honor my spouse but You as well. In Jesus Name, Amen.


More Resources:

Hope for the Hurting Wife (book) (Rebekkah Hallberg)

The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage (book) (Stormie Omartian)

How God Restored our Marriage (video) (Pastor Jeremy Foster & Jennifer Foster of Hope City Church)

*Physical and verbal abuse should never be handled alone. If you or someone you know needs help or is unsafe in their relationship, please visit or call The National Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

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