Growing in Gratitude | An Intentional 30-Day Pursuit

It’s November, which hand-in-hand goes along with thankfulness.

However, this month, we’re asking you to join us on a 30-day pursuit of growing in gratitude through the Word of God.

If I’m being honest, I woke up today a bit grumpy.

I woke up to kids (who rarely eat candy) starfished on the floor because they couldn’t have snickers bars and M&M’s for breakfast.

Tantrum-induced sugar comas have the ability to wear my patience down like nothing else; maybe you too?

Well, you’re not alone, but our heart in this ministry is to come alongside one another, to be honest with where we are, and to challenge each other as sisters, brothers, husbands, wives, fathers, and mothers to keep going. Keep our eyes fixed, and together, practice the act of growing in gratitude.

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is the overflow of a humble heart, just as surely as an ungrateful, complaining spirit flows out of a proud heart. Proud people are wrapped up in themselves. If people or circumstances don’t please or suit them, they are prone to whine or become resentful. But did you know that grumbling is the opposite of gratitude? Like gratitude, it starts in the heart and expresses itself in our words. It grows out of a heart of discontentment—not being satisfied with what God has provided. Philippians 2:14–15 says we are to “do all things without grumbling” and that when we are obedient in this matter, our lives shine the light of Christ into our dark world.

Do you want your light to shine in this world?

To your hurting, struggling, grumbling family members that see you? Don’t you want them to see something different in you?

To your co-worker who never stops complaining, show them that there are a million little (and giant) reasons to be grateful?

To your kids who are starfished on the floor because they can’t have Halloween candy for breakfast?

I want them to see that even in the midst of their tantrums, or my ho-hum grumpy mornings, that I can still set the tone to cultivate a spirit of gratitude in our home as I take time studying what God’s Word says about growing in gratitude.

Then, join us on this 30-day pursuit by first setting some goals for what you want God to accomplish in your heart in these next 30 days.

Be specific about the ways you intend to practice gratitude, as you take this growing in gratitude journey with us.

Maybe it’s noticing (and thanking) God in the small things. Or, taking the time to write a letter to someone you’re grateful for this month (because snail mail makes everyone smile!) Is there someone you can ask to hold you accountable for specific areas where you need to practice growing in gratitude?

Whatever it takes for you to stick with this scripture-based reading plan for the next thirty days, it will be worth the freedom you’ll find as you pursue it with passion.

Let the Lord help you decide what your next steps will be as you study this month with us, and watch as He transforms and softens your heart as you devote the next thirty days to be intentional about growing in gratitude.

Ask the Lord to cultivate in you a more grateful heart through the month of November. If you have realized that your heart is not one that naturally pursues gratitude, or it’s what it should be, confess your ungrateful spirit to the Lord. Ask Him to forgive and transform you into a person who exudes gratitude. What greater gift could you give your Savior, as we are entering the season of Him bestowing the greatest gift of all mankind unto us?

Join us today in this 30-day reading plan through the month of November!

Save the image below!

OR if you’re like me and you like the feel of good ol’ fashioned paper between your fingers, click here to download the high-resolution PDF and print it out and hang it up on your fridge or somewhere in your house for your whole family to see.

That’s our plan so that we can all be reminded of the reading each day for our gratitude journey together.


Growing in Gratitude - A 30-Day Reading Plan | The Pause Pursuit -

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