FALL-elujah  | A Budget Friendly Bucket List For Fall (with free printable download!)

One of the things I love most about living in the Mitten state is the seasons.





There is something beautiful about what these seasons teach us, and I believe it’s something we often take for granted.

In Winter, the barrenness of the trees that’s roots are established so deep into in their foundation (the soil) that they are able to sustain themselves amongst the most brutal conditions that Michigan winters bring us.

In Spring, the beauty of seeing life come from those same trees that withstood those conditions. Not to mention, the principle that is displayed through the art of sowing and reaping.

In Summer, our gardens show us that sometimes the tallest, mightiest weeds, have the smallest roots, though they look big on the surface. Meanwhile, the “little foxes” or in this case what looks like the smallest of weeds, often times have the deepest roots and are what “spoil the vine”, and can bring the most destruction to our gardens and hearts if we don’t tend to them.

And in Fall… One of my favorite seasons that carries the weightiest-of-all-weights of meanings.

Fall teaches us the art of letting go through a beautiful process of new beginnings.

It teaches us that through the trenches, or the process of “dying” in this case for the leaves, there is still something beautiful that can be birthed through the art of letting go.

Letting go of past hurts, unforgiveness, your plans, your dreams, and allowing space for new beginnings to be created through one of the most beautiful restorative seasons, yet!

To kick off this season, we’ve included a free printable download to some of our fall favorites as individuals, a couple, and as a family! Click here to download your free printable for A Budget Friendly Bucket List For Fall!


Leaves on the ground - Quote image - Fall teaches us that something beautiful can be birthed through the art of letting go. - A Budget Friendly Bucket List For Fall


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