Homeschooling During A Pandemic – Veteran Tips To Help You Homeschool During COVID-19

In preparation for what could be the strangest school year we’ve ever had in our nation, we began praying for God’s guidance and direction months ago.

Which school?

How many days?


So many options and in the midst of this pandemic, it made it that much harder!

We decided to give the whole “in-person” learning a try despite the added steps of mask-wearing and social distancing.

Alternatively, one of our most engaged supporters on this journey of The Pause Pursuit decided to take the homeschooling route, and here’s her story.

Please welcome Marcy Rachiele as we get a little glimpse into her life during this pandemic and starting a new school year. She’s an expert, long-time homeschooler, so read on for some incredible tips! Learn from her so you don’t have to make the same mistakes if you’re just starting homeschooling.

This school year may be looking different for many of us.
You may be wondering how things are going to look for your family.
I am here to offer some encouragement for those who will find themselves homeschooling.

Some of you are brand new to homeschooling this year, some by choice and some may have to with all the changes going on in the world.

Wherever you find yourself this year I would just like to encourage you with some things I have learned during my 10+ years of homeschooling my 4 children.
I pray that you will find some of them useful this year.

  1. Establish a daily quiet time
    • Spend time reading God’s Word and in prayer.
    • I love to get up before the kids wake up and fix my coffee, light a candle, and enjoy my time with the Lord. The most important thing for me is to fill myself Spiritually every day, so I can pour out to my children.
  2. Make time for self-care
    • We have to do things that fill us up, because as moms (and dads) we are constantly giving of ourselves.
    • Read a book, take a bubble bath, enjoy a cat nap, fix a cup of tea with some of your favorite chocolate, spend time with friends, exercise, etc…
    • Just be sure to make time for yourself and take care of yourself mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.
  3. Enjoy the time with your children
    • Loosen up and try not to be so uptight thinking everything has to be perfect.
      It took me a few years to truly learn that.
    • Make it fun and make memories that will last in your children’s hearts.
  4. Ask God for help
    • Remember, he loves your children even more than you do.
    • He will equip you every step of this journey.
  5. Have a family morning time
    • This is something we have done for a few years now. We go over the plans for the day, talk about the weather, what’s for dinner, and we pray for our friends and family who have specific prayer requests.
  6. Don’t compare your children to other children
    • Each child is unique and they learn at their own pace.
  7. Don’t compare yourself to other moms
    • It’s easy to get caught up in the comparison game and think that other moms have it all together or are more talented in different areas of their schooling.
    • It’s not healthy to compare and God has gifted each of us with our own talents and gifts to serve our families and others.
    • Parents, you are exactly the mom or dad your children need.
  8. Read aloud to your children
    • Make popcorn and hot cocoa and snuggle on the couch.
    • My children and I read through the Little House on the Prairie series when they were little and we loved it.
  9. Be flexible
    • Give yourself grace to make changes to your schedule if needed. That’s the beauty of homeschooling. We have the freedom to make our own schedule and to work around appointments and outings.
  10. Do what works best for you and your family
    • Don’t always think you have to do what others are doing.
    • Every family is different.
  11. Make whatever space you are doing your schooling in cozy and inviting
    • You don’t need a separate room to do school in, but if you have a school room, decorate it with colorful posters. Make it fun and a place the kids will want to spend their time.
  12. Pray for your children and yourself daily
  13. Encourage your children in the areas you see they have God-given talents and interests
    • Find ways you can have them serve your family or others with those talents and gifts.
  14. Meal Plan!
    • It makes meal times easier if you have a plan.
    • I meal plan for two weeks at a time.
    • In the mornings I look over my meals and choose one to make that sounds good for that day. It makes me feel more productive when I know what’s for dinner before we start school.
  15. Teach your children to bake/cook and to help with household chores
    • It can be such a blessing when your child starts helping in the kitchen.
    • Sometimes I will have one of my children make dinner once a week. It is great practice for them and a huge blessing for me!
  16. Give yourself grace every day
    • Don’t be to hard on yourself. You are doing great!
  17. Truly cherish the time you have with your children
    • The days may seem long, but the years are short.

Mom homeschooling child

Our oldest daughter just left for college a few weeks ago. I had the privilege to homeschool her for 10 years and I cherish the time we had together. It was very challenging at times, but one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done.

I am so thankful that God called us to homeschool all those years ago.

I pray you all have a wonderful school year wherever you are and however that looks for you.

I would like to end by praying for all of you who are on this journey this year.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I lift up all of the parents who are homeschooling this year. I pray that they have a wonderful year with their children. I pray that You fill them up each day with whatever they will need. Give them strength, energy, peace, and wisdom as they teach their children. Help them to see what a blessing it is and to cherish the moments they have with their kids.

In Jesus’ name,

Thank you Marcy!

Here’s to another wonderful school year for everyone, albeit different than ever before!

Adapt, adapt, adapt! We’ve got this!

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