

The Pause Pursuit is a ministry empowering couples and

families to slow down to pursue God and each other.

Becoming “Dad” It wasn’t long ago that I became a dad. In fact, I can still remember the nights we used to be sitting on the couch watching TV and we’d get a spontaneous urge to jump in our car and head to the nearest Taco Bell for a little fourth meal. We didn’t think twice
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How to be intentional when adding another child to your family I remember being pregnant with our second child, and so many days I battled with the fear of how to extend my love to another child. As the days came closer to our second child's arrival I realized that no one talks about this. Guilt
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To the one who may not know that on the days where we forget to notice each other, my heart still sees you. I still see you. I See You I see the sacrifices you make. I see the little things you do. I see when you move our baby monitor to your side of the bed because you
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A Letter to the busy mom doubting herself and her calling: Lord, bring me back here. In the moments I believe that my success, followers, career, or desires are my why... Bring me back here. In the moments when I doubt my purpose or question my pursuit. On the days where I feel I’m falling short and questioning the life
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Biblical Encouragement for New Mothers . Maybe you've seen the Viral Story of the "Hormone Raging Mom" who climbed in her daughter's crib after a story that tugged her heart to the core. Nearly 3 years ago, I wrote those words. God used some of the darkest times in my life while struggling with post-partum depression, to be a
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In a world where busyness is glorified, self is absorbed, and comfort is ranked higher than calling, we kept feeling a hunger in our hearts for God to be experienced beyond what we’ve seen in our everyday. We knew there had to be more to finding our purpose; finding your purpose together. In a day
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