COVID-19 – Hearing The Promise Over The Panic

empty shelves at grocery store COVID-19

Have you ever looked at a ship and wondered how it doesn’t sink? In a body of water that could swallow it up, the ship remains above the waves because that’s how it was built. The very thing that is was made for (rising above the water), was also the very thing that could take […]

Your Identity In Christ | 20 Scriptural Confessions To Remind You

Do you ever have days where you bow your head in defeat? Where you’re one hand away from waiving your white flag of surrender? Days where you feel like you can’t see who you were truly created to be as an Heir of the King? Me too. No one really has it all together! Keep […]

The Heart + Purpose Behind The Pause Pursuit (Giveaway Included!)

In a world where busyness is glorified, self is absorbed, and comfort is ranked higher than calling, we kept feeling a hunger in our hearts for God to be experienced beyond what we’ve seen in our everyday. We knew there had to be more to finding our purpose; finding your purpose together. In a day […]