FOUR F’s Sake, Stay Home!

Amongst the news headlines, fear of the unknown, and all that comes with COVID-19, how can we use this time to come together as a family and as a Nation? It starts in our homes. We must first come together in our homes. Join us by following our 4 fun, frugal family festivities to do […]
How To Not Hate Your Family During The Holidays

You have a plan. A perfect plan. Then, someone forgets the family dish to pass. Becky spills the milk all over her brand new, paid-way-too-much-for Christmas outfit. Your kids are kicking, screaming at each other, at you, and at Lenord the fish who sees it all. There are a dozen presents still in Amazon boxes […]
Establishing Family Traditions (Or Eliminating Them)

If you’re not establishing your family traditions, who is? Family traditions go beyond the magic of the holidays and are present in our everyday lives, even if we don’t always give them a name. Traditions strengthen the bond of a family, establish connection, provide a source of identity, teach values, and offer comfort and security […]
How to Create a Family Mission Statement in 5 Easy Steps (with free printable download!)

Ok, being real here – we put this off for years. Writing a family mission statement seemed like a daunting task, but turned into being a life-giving experience for us. Not necessarily in the crafting of it, but in the fruit of daily pursing it, and being intentional about the values and beliefs that are […]
Life With Littles: How To Camp With Your Children

In the thick of life with littles, and in one of the most transitional seasons of their lives, two brave couples asked themselves “why not try camping?”… So many of you have asked us “how on earth do you camp, travel, take 10+ hour road trips with your littles?” The astonishing truth is, we, in […]