I Don’t Help My Wife

I’ve been thinking for some time now about our roles in society. Our cultural “norms” when it comes to marriage. Specifically when it comes to help. More specifically, for us men. Why are so many household chores just assumed? What are these presumed gender roles that so many of us are taught (intentionally or unintentionally)? […]
A Real Man

I feel like there are so many guys these days who don’t understand or care what it means to be a real man. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not claiming to be the perfect guy or have it all figured out by any means, but it’s just mind-blowing how clueless and careless some guys are! […]
Rules for Men: How to Be and Raise a Strong Man of God

In today’s society, it can be challenging to raise a strong man of God. Heck, it’s challenging to simply BE a strong man of God, am I right?!? Our culture is so littered with sex, money, power, and fame, that it’s hard to separate ourselves from that. We are called to be like Christ. It […]