Daily Pursuit | Celebrating 9 Years of Marriage!
You may roll your eyes at our story, and believe, like the rest of the world, that we were so naive meeting so young and being each other’s first TRUE love. While many of you may have seen us the 9 years of marriage (14+ years together, and 18+ years of great friendship + middle […]
How to Create a Family Mission Statement in 5 Easy Steps (with free printable download!)
Ok, being real here – we put this off for years. Writing a family mission statement seemed like a daunting task, but turned into being a life-giving experience for us. Not necessarily in the crafting of it, but in the fruit of daily pursing it, and being intentional about the values and beliefs that are […]
I See You: Always Keep Pursuing Your Spouse – A Confession To My Husband (Giveaway Included!)
To the one who may not know that on the days where we forget to notice each other, my heart still sees you. I still see you. I See You I see the sacrifices you make. I see the little things you do. I see when you move our baby monitor to your side of […]
The Heart + Purpose Behind The Pause Pursuit (Giveaway Included!)
In a world where busyness is glorified, self is absorbed, and comfort is ranked higher than calling, we kept feeling a hunger in our hearts for God to be experienced beyond what we’ve seen in our everyday. We knew there had to be more to finding our purpose; finding your purpose together. In a day […]