Establishing Family Traditions (Or Eliminating Them)

If you’re not establishing your family traditions, who is? Family traditions go beyond the magic of the holidays and are present in our everyday lives, even if we don’t always give them a name. Traditions strengthen the bond of a family, establish connection, provide a source of identity, teach values, and offer comfort and security […]
A Child’s Reminder: What Your Child Wants You To Remember MOST This Christmas

What your child wants you to remember this Christmas isn’t the top item on their wish list, or the cookies left out for Santa. It’s not remembering to move their elf on the shelf, or even reading them the perfect bedtime story. It’s not rushing from activity to activity or party to party, or cultivating […]
Attention Seeking vs Connection Seeking

Why Do Toddlers Need So Much Attention? As I sit here trying to write this, the joyful squeals of young kids fill the air. The attention seeking shouts of “Mommy, look!” and “Me do it!” echo through the play structure tunnels and down the slides like a megaphone bringing smiles to every parent in the […]