THAT Mom – Be Her | A Doubting Mom’s Reminder To Pause
So she was one of the [many] moms that gave me a pep talk before becoming a mom. But not the pep talk like, “oh you can do it, you’re going to be a great mom” No, the honest -real life-mama-bear- pep talk. You know, that mom. The call-in-all-hours-of-the-night mom in your village. Everyone needs […]
Four Years And a Million Little Miracles Later
Four years, and a million little miracles later, here we are. Your birth… Wishing our sweet little Luella a happy FOURTH birthday… (How did THAT happen?!) But let’s rewind 4 years ago…to her birth… to the day she took her first breath in our arms, and I almost took my last. I had always imagined […]
Bring Me Back Here: A Letter To The Busy Mom Doubting Herself (Giveaway Included!)
A Letter to the busy mom doubting herself and her calling: Lord, bring me back here. In the moments I believe that my success, followers, career, or desires are my why… Bring me back here. In the moments when I doubt my purpose or question my pursuit. On the days where I feel I’m falling […]