I know this year, 2020, most likely has not been everything you’ve expected. And now a “Pause”?!?
Here in Michigan, we were just issued another executive order this week to try and slow the spread of COVID. The Governor is calling it a temporary “Pause” this time around, that ideally will only last 3 weeks.
As temperatures get below freezing, and we anticipate all that winter will bring, it seems like COVID is not the only thing ramping up. Most likely, so is your anxiety, holiday stress, missing your loved ones, or even mourning the loss of a loved one you couldn’t spend time with this year. Or, maybe your stress is manifesting in a different way.
Over-spending, over-eating, extreme isolation, irrational thoughts, or fears creeping in areas you once had peace.
Friend, you are not alone.
To the parents juggling at-home learning, while working from home, we see you. We are you. Are you battling a nagging voice inside that makes you wonder, even on your best days, if your good is good enough.
It is. Good enough.
Read that again.
There is no right, perfect, or Pinterest worthy way to navigate through these waters. The only way is with Jesus.
You weren’t made to know all the answers.
All the fears dancing in your head.
Neither is your spouse, or your children.
But today, we wanted to encourage you on a pursuit for something more.
Today, we are asking you to join us on a 3-week challenge.
Here in Michigan, things are back to being shut down. Or “paused” officially.
Small businesses we grew up going to, are shutting their doors again, and maybe for the last time. Restaurants and other indoor activities are closed (again) and here we are – being required to pause.
But what if this time, it looked different? What about instead of spending your days trying to figure out what’s next, we do something with what the Lord has put in our hearts today. Do it with intention. Pursue something more in this time of pause. Let it be an opportunity.
So, here is your challenge.

We want you to grow. To be intentional. To find your purpose for what God has for you!
Or maybe you just need some ideas of things to do to stay sane.
(Or maybe you’re like me and you just need a way to survive the next few weeks!)
Whatever you’re life looks like right now, know that you’re not alone, and God still wants what’s best for you.
SO, over the next 3 Fridays (starting today) we are going to release a new challenge for you. Something that will build you up. Something that will encourage you. Something that will grow you stronger if you’ll allow it.
You can take on this challenge alone (but please share your experience with the rest of us by posting it on social media — #thepausechallenge).
Or with your spouse.
Or a close friend.
Your teenager, or your toddler.
Whatever and however, just make sure you do it!
We can’t wait to see how God is moving in and through each of you even through the continued chaos and craziness of this year!
Click the image below to grab the PDF and be sure to post your experience with #thepausechallenge AND tag @ThePausePursuit on all the socials so we can share in this together!
See you next Friday for week 2 of the challenge!