A Child’s Reminder: What Your Child Wants You To Remember MOST This Christmas

What your child wants you to remember this Christmas isn’t the top item on their wish list, or the cookies left out for Santa. It’s not remembering to move their elf on the shelf, or even reading them the perfect bedtime story. It’s not rushing from activity to activity or party to party, or cultivating the most magical traditions. None of that. A child’s reminder is simple. It is this…

What your child wants you to remember most this season is them.

Cherishing their littleness, creating magic in the mundane, and remembering them.

Not in over-committing, over-spending, or overworking yourself to the bone cooking, crafting, or cleaning, because the truth be told, no one looks that closely at your floors, of the perfect craft that you made and signed your child’s name on.

Remember them.

Through the madness of Christmas shopping, party planning, and organizing carpooling to the 12th Christmas production at school, remember them.

In spending the morning rushing around for the perfect outfit for them to wear in their photo with Santa, remember that they’re still learning boundaries, and are looking for you to show them it’s okay to have them. Don’t force anything, even for the perfect photo. (Even as a 31-year-old adult, Santa’s still scare me! There is one letter difference between scare and scar, remember! How’s that for a child’s reminder!)

As I tucked my little wonderous 4-year-old in bed tonight, reading her the first Christmas story of the birth of a little baby who made his mark on the world, I remember her. I see her eyelashes flutter, and her body that is growing entirely too fast for my mama heart, close her eyes peacefully. And I can almost hear her say…

“A Child’s Reminder”

Mommy, when you’re running from place to place, seeking new adventures and places, remember my favorite place is here in your arms.

When you and daddy are budgeting and looking for the perfect gift for me for Christmas, remember that you give it to me everyday by pointing me to The Greatest Gift of all, Jesus.

When we are planning Holiday schedules, please remember that I need rest, too. I love being near family and friends, but I am still learning how to communicate what I need, and sometimes, especially when I am really tired, or have eaten too many cookies at Grandmas’s house, it’s hard for me to communicate, so, I break down instead. I am not trying to misbehave or disappoint you, it is simply my way of reminding you that just as this season can bring you stress, my little emotions and sugar swings are trying to keep up, too.

When you are worried about how much screen time I am watching, please remember the beautiful imagination that I have, and how I use it to amaze you daily. Please also remember, that though I may not be taking in the amount of Hallmark movies that you and daddy watch after I go to bed, that screen time is okay for me, and I love resting my mind, and still using my imagination even when watching my favorite Christmas movie.

When I need time or space with just you, please see my clues.

Kid wearing Santa hat looking at Christmas tree - Quote image: Mommy & Daddy, please remember that I am also trying to pause and marvel in the magic of this season, just as you are doing for me. - A Child's Reminder | The Pause Pursuit

When I ask you to come snuggle me, or to watch me twirl in my favorite Holiday dress for what seems like the 100th time, please remember that I am also trying to remind you to pause and marvel in the magic of this season, just as you are doing for me.

Mommy, I know you love the holidays because they give you and daddy a break from the everyday, but please don’t let them break our routines. It is in our routine that I can draw comfort and rest from the busyness of our days and activities this season. I still need our morning breakfast and Bible time. I still need a morning dose of Veggie Tales or Daniel Tiger, even if we have things planned for the day. I still need my afternoon nap or rest time. I still need a chance to unwind before bedtime and curl up in your lap for a good book, even if we get home later than you planned, or past my bedtime. Most of all, I still need special undivided attention from you and daddy, and for you to teach and lead me the true meaning of this Holiday.

To serve in love, but not be so stretched that you welcome strife as a VIP member to our Christmas gatherings.

To remember that it’s not the presents, but your presence that makes this Holiday magic for our family.

To celebrate with the world, but not to join in with the world on traditions that may allow confusion to my very impressionable mind.

To show me with you taking care of yourself, and keeping Jesus in our home, that the gift of Christmas isn’t in what’s under the tree, but in who’s around it, and WHO lives in our hearts all year long, not just on his birthday.

Thank you, mommy, for remembering me, and in your actions, pointing me to Jesus, and the reason we celebrate this season.

-“A Child’s Reminder”

–from the mind of our little 4-year-old redhead.

We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing. – Psalm 39:6

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