I Don’t Help My Wife

I’ve been thinking for some time now about our roles in society. Our cultural “norms” when it comes to marriage. Specifically when it comes to help. More specifically, for us men. Why are so many household chores just assumed? What are these presumed gender roles that so many of us are taught (intentionally or unintentionally)? […]
5 Sure Ways To Disrespect Your Husband [Without Knowing It]

If you’re wondering, “Why would you want to disrespect your husband? Did I read this title right?” Yes, yes you did. In a culture where complaining is common, marriage is under attack, and self-satisfaction is on the rise, we can so easily fall into the temptation of making society’s standards our own when it comes […]
Pursue Your Wife – Part 2: 5 Practical Steps For Husbands

A couple of days ago I talked all about the importance of pursuing your wife. Today we’re going to look at some practical steps for husbands because you know we men need some simple, straight to the point, action item takeaways, am I right? If you missed it, read Pursue Your Wife – Part 1 […]
Pursue Your Wife – Part 1

Men, pursue your wife! We must continue pursuing our wife even after we’re married. It’s ingrained in so many of us men to chase after something and keep at it until we get it, but then what happens? What happens when the dogs at the race track catch that silly rabbit? Or your dog at […]