With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we’ve put together some pretty fantastic, real-life FREE digital Mother’s Day Cards!
If there was ever a time to celebrate a mother – it’s in the middle of a global pandemic, where she’s working around the clock within the walls of her home, most likely doubting every move she’s making, and ending her days serving and loving with every ounce she has left.
Most days at her own expense.
Or, a time to celebrate the friend, who is about to become a mother for the first time, the second time, or the friend who you’ve fought on your knees for in prayer to become a mother and who is now one Mother’s Day closer to seeing that promise fulfilled.
To the women who have been like mothers to us, the “sister”-mothers we’ll call them…
And a day to remember generations that have treaded these waters before our time, who have had a part in shaping us, and a day to celebrate and honor who they were, or still are.
To the mothers who have become grandmothers, or great-grandmothers in the past year, and who are currently missing their grandbabies, in the deepest of ways (as we’re paying that they remember that as soon as the pandemic is over it’s “See ya, kids!” Time for a sleepover at grandma’s!)
To the mom friend who has had your back time and time again, through the major meltdowns, the slap-in-the-face-in-the-most-loving way possible friends, the in-between moments’ friends, who laugh so hard at their own jokes, they snort moms.
The moms who invite you over when their house is a mess (and don’t apologize because…why?)
The ones who love your littles like their own, who have shown up, and chosen you, even when somedays you wouldn’t choose you.
For those moms, and women yearning to become moms, LET THEM KNOW YOU APPRECIATE THEM!
We’ve created 11 CUSTOM Mother’s Day cards for every mother, or mother-to-be, hot-mess-mom-friend, or friend who’s strong as a mother.
Click the link below for your instant download of all 11 cards, then SHARE, print, or send! Because mom’s don’t need a $4.99 greeting card in the middle of a global pandemic. They need you to show up and keep showing up because that’s what moms do.
They show up.
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